Anitrinia’s core values create a foundation for an efficient and balanced investment strategy that allows us to be a reliable and long-lasting partner:


We do our best to become a reliable partner for the companies we invest in. Our partners know very well that if they go through difficult periods in their development and their value decreases we will not immediately sell their shares but will discuss with them possible additional investments to help them overcome the difficulties and become profitable again. This approach allows us to win in the long-term perspective as the value of our investments increases.

In addition, we are always aiming to be reliable for our shareholder who can be 100% sure that our strategy and our efforts will lead to maximisation of his personal wealth.


We are dependable not only for the source of capital we provide but also for how we carefully manage the relationships we develop. We believe consistency is key to building trust.

Trust is our partners’ and our own confidence in the integrity, reliability and fairness of existing business relationships that lead to interdependence and mutual benefits.

Trust is very difficult to develop, and when fractured even harder to regain. Therefore, we do our best not only to earn our partners’ trust but also to keep it and bring it to a higher level.


Anitrinia Limited bases its strategy on a constant search of successful opportunities and capitalizing on those opportunities through creative, efficient, and effective execution.

We are always striving to diversify our investment portfolio in order to broaden our opportunities, reduce our risks and increase our company value.