We are not perfect but we strive for excellence

Anitrinia Limited is managed by the Board consisting of three directors who jointly take all decisions whether to invest into any new ventures, to increase or decrease participation of Anitrinia Limited in any of the venture companies, to grant loan financing and to perform any other actions that might have any influence on the value of Anitrinia Limited. The Directors mix have been carefully selected in order to bring into the decision making process legal, financial, tax and compliance expertise for the best possible decision making.

Anitrinia Limited considers that a profound and well-elaborated corporate governance model is of fundamental importance for value creation process in a portfolio investment company. Therefore, we pay utmost attention to establish an excellent corporate governance in Anitrinia Limited aiming at the most efficient decision-making process. 

The directors are actively communicating with the partner-companies to make sure that we are fully informed about the status of our investments and the needs of our partners and to make sure that Anitrinia Limited takes advantage of any new opportunity that might arise. In order to have such constant control, Anitrinia Limited tries, when this is possible, to have its representative appointed to the board of all the companies in which it invests. 

In its day-to-day activities Anitrinia Limited constantly utilizes the services of the best legal, financial and other service providers that bring additional expertise into the business of Anitrinia Limited.